Webhook Structure

All webhooks are sent as JSON objects, and share the same general structure as described in the following table:

idstring (UUID v4)Unique identifier for the event. Retries to the same events will share the same id.
timestring (ISO-8601 timestamp)Timestamp for when the event has occurred.
eventstringEvent that occurred.
contextobjectContext for this event. Structure is defined by the event.

Below is an example of a webhook payload sent to your notification URL where all properties are listed.

  "id": "aeb7475b-39c4-41ae-8237-d74a7379c355",
  "time": "2020-04-01T12:47:02.147Z",
  "event": "payment-intent.completed",
  "context": {
    "id": "3589cb4a-0830-497d-a92d-c5178eb2ab9f",
    "customerId": "42",
    "amount": "7145.02",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "creditAmount": "7145.02",
    "creditCurrency": "EUR"

Find all the available Webhook events and their details by checking the documentation on PaymentIntent Webhooks.