This page provides information on the context object of payment intent webhooks.
Find out how to set a webhook, basic structure of the callbacks, and more here.



Never consume the payload before validating the signature.
Check the example Recipe for the code to validate the webhook signature header.


Event name: payment-intent.completed

This event is sent once the PaymentIntent is completed. The "state": "completed" can have more than one reason behind it.

Here are the possible stateReason values for a completed event:

completed_exact_amountWhen the transaction of the Payment Intent is received on time, gets confirmed and the amount sent by the payer is equal to the amount requested in the PaymentIntent.
completed_overpaidWhen the transaction of the Payment Intent gets confirmed and the amount paid by the payer is more than the expected amount.

As mentioned in Webhooks guide, all events have the same basic structure with the context property being different for each event. In the following table, an explanation for this specific context property is provided:

contextobjectThe context object as passed during the creation.
idstring (UUID v4)The ID of the PaymentIntent.
statestringThe current state of a PaymentIntent.
stateReasonstringThe description of a reason behind the state of a PaymentIntent. See state reasons.
orderIdstringMerchant's internal ID of the order for which the PaymentIntent was created.
customerIdstringThe ID of the customer as it was provided by Merchant during the creation of the PaymentIntent.
amountstringThe amount of the PaymentIntent denominated in a fiat currency.
currencystringThe denomination currency of the amount above.
creditAmountstringThe amount credited to the merchant account denominated in the selected fiat currency of the merchant.
creditCurrencystringThe denomination fiat currency that the merchant has selected.
paymentsobjectContains the following blockchain information about the successful payment/s: amount, currency, transactionId.
amountstringThe amount of cryptocurrency transferred from the customer's wallet for the particular Payment Intent.
currencystringThe short-code of the cryptocurrency that the customer paid with.
transactionIdstringID/hash of the transaction as stored on the specific blockchain used by customer for completing the payment.
senderAddressesarrayThe list of address/es from which the transaction/s for the PaymentIntent was received from. When the address is unknown then the array is empty.

Furthermore, the merchant account is credited the amount denominated in the currency specified in the context parameters creditAmount and creditCurrency. Here's a payload example of a payment-intent.completed event:

  "id": "fe9ae19d-4a85-4809-8bd8-08d05fb4091c",
  "time": "2022-03-28T14:23:52.988Z",
  "event": "payment-intent.completed",
  "context": {
    "id": "b0fca427-4e60-4999-b886-2d5a14b648a2",
    "state": "completed",
    "stateReason": "completed_exact_amount",
    "orderId": "123456",
    "customerId": "6af42318-9e60-4390-8bf0-e042d7b96b21",
    "amount": "40",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "creditAmount": "48.41",
    "creditCurrency": "USD",
    "payments": [
        "amount": "0.00628029",
        "currency": "BTC",
        "transactionId": "0807a955421bf5fd32106f476ce9361149059ad46b1ba6d3ab7600d65a72deca",
        "senderAddresses": []


Event name: payment-intent.failed

This event is sent once the PaymentIntent has failed. The "state": "failed" can have more than one reason behind it.

You can find all the stateReason values and their description for a failed event here.

Merchant's account will not be credited with any amount when the "state" of a PaymentIntent is "failed".

In the following table, you can find the details for this specific context property:

idstring (UUID v4)The ID of the PaymentIntent.
statestringThe current state of a PaymentIntent.
stateReasonstringThe description of a reason behind the state of a PaymentIntent. See state reasons.
orderIdstringMerchant's ID of the order for which the PaymentIntent was created.
customerIdstringThe ID of the customer as it was provided during the creation of the PaymentIntent.
amountstringThe amount of the PaymentIntent denominated in a fiat currency.
currencystringThe denomination currency of the amount above.

Here's an example of a payment-intent.failed object:

  "id": "d38a342a-0b91-40eb-8a5c-39e8b10f6c9c",
  "time": "2022-04-05T08:11:00.248Z",
  "event": "payment-intent.failed",
  "context": {
    "id": "25c88bf2-edad-425a-b759-bac2df2f28d5",
    "state": "failed",
    "stateReason": "failed_expired",
    "orderId": "a2b32jjk2l",
    "customerId": "6af46318-9e60-4390-8bf0-e042d7b96b21",
    "amount": "40",
    "currency": "EUR"


Event name: payment-intent.refund.completed

This event is sent once the refund for the PaymentIntent has been sent to the destination refund address.

The context property of the payment-intent.refund.completed notification has the following interface:

idstringThe paymentIntent ID for which the refund was created.
refund.idstringThe refund ID.

For example:

    "id": "f7f8c810-e12f-445d-9b2f-c5b8055254f6",
    "time": "2021-12-03T07:46:32.323Z",
    "event": "payment-intent.refund.completed",
    "context": {
        "id": "3314faf7-f540-4f84-912a-d87fc90088da",
        "refund": {
            "id": "5ca1aca0-021c-4a82-9d64-c99893ce277d"