

To ensure the smooth and secure integration of its services, Coinify provides two distinct environments: sandbox and production. This ensures that developers can test their API integration thoroughly before deploying it in a live environment, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for all parties involved.

Sandbox environment

Get started by creating a merchant account in the Sandbox Merchant Dashboard.
Then create your API key via your Dashboard in the Developers section.

Testing Payments in Sandbox

Once you create a Payment Intent in sandbox environment, you can set it to the desired state directly on the Payment Window UI (see screenshot below) or by making an API call to one of the Test API endpoints. Once you put the Payment Intent in a desired state, you'll receive the relevant callback event to your webhook URL and the relevant email to the email address you set upon Payment Intent creation.

Testing Refunds and Withdrawals in Sandbox

It is recommended to choose USDC on Ethereum when testing Refunds and Withdrawals in Sandbox. This way the refund or withdrawal will be completed in sandbox, relevant callback will be sent, and you'll receive USDC on Sepolia testnet. To receive USDC on Sepolia testnet, simply add a new token to you wallet with the following details:
Token Contract: 0x746d7b1dfcD1Cc2f4b7d09F3F1B9A21764FBeB33
Token Ticker: USDC
Number of decimals: 6
Test Network: Sepolia

Production environment

For the production environment, you must create a Production Merchant Account, fill out your Business Account, and provide the documents requested in the Verify your account as instructed on the page.

Once your Production account has been approved by Conify's team, you can use your Production API key that you generate on your Dashboard account in the Developers section.


All transactions in the production environment are executed on the live/mainnet blockchain networks.