This page provides information on how to set up downloading a .csv file with Settlements information via SFTP protocol.
Coinify enables you to download Settlement report files via SFTP protocol.
To enable file sharing via SFTP, please share your SSH public key with Coinify by sending it to email.
Once the public key is shared, Coinify will get back to you with the dedicated username. You will be able to connect to your folder via the SFTP protocol using your public key for authentication.
SFTP Setup Parameters:
Username: username@hostname (Username will be shared with you once the PUB key is set up.)
Port: 22
Settlements CSV File Properties
The following table explains the each of the properties contained in the .csv
settlement files.
Property | Type | Description |
settlementTime | String (DateTime) | The UTC DateTime at which the settlement was completed |
merchantId | String (UUID) | The ID of the merchant. |
merchantName | String | The name of the merchant. |
subaccountId | String (UUID) | (Optional) The ID of the subaccount. |
subaccountName | String | (Optional) The name of the subaccount. |
referenceId | String | (Optional) A unique identifier for the transaction reference type. |
referenceType | String (Enum) | A curated list with all available reference types of the transactions. See the Reference Type list for more details here. |
amount | String | The amount added or deducted from the balance for the specific transaction. |
currency | String | The denomination currency of the amount. |
orderId | String | The orderId of the entity. |
customerId | String | The customer ID. |
customerEmail | String | The customer email. |
transactionTime | String (DateTime) | The UTC DateTime the transaction occurred. |
accountLabel | String | The label of the payout account. |
Note: All (Optional) fields do not always contain a value in the csv
Settlement File Example
Below, you can find an example of the settlement report file in csv
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",9bbf4c17-c284-4963-b746-0de52d56493e,Casino 777 Subaccount,32cd330c-f179-4fb2-bd1c-360a5e21327e,payment_intent_refund,-99.99,EUR,123456,6fdf7b50-3661-4770-8549-20768ef3bb31,,2023-06-29T15:37:11.000Z,ING
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",9bbf4c17-c284-4963-b746-0de52d56493e,Casino 777 Subaccount,32cd330c-f179-4fb2-bd1c-360a5e21327e,payment_intent_refund_fee,-5,EUR,123456,6fdf7b50-3661-4770-8549-20768ef3bb31,,2023-06-29T15:37:11.000Z,ING
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",,,d0f5382c-27e7-4a3e-8824-52ec65f62ae7,payment_intent,99.99,EUR,123456,20606f01-29d1-4959-b5e2-87250fc494a9,,2023-07-03T13:34:00.000Z,ING
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",9bbf4c17-c284-4963-b746-0de52d56493e,Casino 777 Subaccount,075c3072-5184-41de-ac21-5a82d046a094,withdrawal,-100,EUR,765-010,6fdf7b50-3661-4770-8549-20768ef3bb31,,2023-10-10T23:34:58.000Z,ING
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",,,5bd8467e-6e5c-4c07-b7f0-47ebf34acf12,payment_intent,99.99,EUR,123456,6fdf7b50-3661-4770-8549-20768ef3bb31,,2023-07-03T13:40:01.000Z,ING
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",9bbf4c17-c284-4963-b746-0de52d56493e,Casino 777 Subaccount,7d5e3bdb-0656-4c3d-96d8-01af6e0262a2,payment_intent_refund_reversal,99.99,EUR,123456,6fdf7b50-3661-4770-8549-20768ef3bb31,,2023-06-29T15:37:11.000Z,ING
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",9bbf4c17-c284-4963-b746-0de52d56493e,Casino 777 Subaccount,7d5e3bdb-0656-4c3d-96d8-01af6e0262a2,payment_intent_refund_fee_reversal,5,EUR,123456,6fdf7b50-3661-4770-8549-20768ef3bb31,,2023-06-29T15:37:11.000Z,ING
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",,,,adjustment,-104.99,EUR,,,,2023-10-10T09:49:09.000Z,ING
2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z,7cdfd1bc-3e5b-4c27-9546-484e36dc35f7,"Merchant, Son & Co",,,,payout_fee,-16.09,EUR,,,,2023-10-10T09:49:09.000Z,ING