
# Added CSV Export Functionality

Date/time: Fri 15 March 2024, 15:30h CET
Coinify Product: New Merchant Platform

We've recently added the CSV export functionality to the Merchant Platform.

Now, you can export all the Payments that you select. You can select between All, Pending, Completed, or Failed on the UI. After clicking the Export button all the selected payment intent and the columns visible on the UI will be exported in a .csv file.

The same functionality is available for Withdrawals too! You just need to be on the Withdrawals UI to export Withdrawal entries in the same way.

This is the first iteration of the export functionality. We plan to add filtering for the Payment Intents inside a specified time span. In the long run we plan to build a full fledged Export section to provide more customised options of what specific data points can export. Feel free to contact us with your feedback and suggestions!